Monday 28 August 2023

Grief and Tears


Surviving Abuse

 To become a survivor from abuse, you need to deal with your damage. Ignoring it, stuffing it down or acting out never achieves anything positive. Then we remain a victim. 

It means owning it and working to release the damage. Some of the work we may do on our own, while other areas we enlist help. Don't feel that getting help is weak. Sometimes we need a loving hand to get through the dark tunnel. 

Use everything at your disposal to heal and be free of the damage abuse does to us. 

Think like a survivor and stop acting in a victim fashion. Yes, we were victims, but no more. Find your inner strength and fight to get well again. 

In time, we can reclaim our lives and be happy again. 

Love, Wendy x 

Saturday 26 August 2023

New Life

 To have a new life after abuse, we need to let go of our past emotions and thoughts and reclaim ourselves. It is pointless to live with fear, hurt and anger well after it has happened. By holding on, we cease to heal. 

Use everything you can to shed the past and move on. They wrecked our lives and tried to break us, but we can heal again. 

Never give up because then they win. Fight to get better day by day, week by week. 

With a positive, proactive attitude, we can become survivors and reclaim our lives. 

Love, Wendy x

Writing as a Release


Friday 25 August 2023

Depression from the Abuse



 After a history of various kinds of abuse, it is tiring. Please don't give up, persist with your healing. You have survived this far and still mange to get to work and get dinner on the table, you can do it. 

It is not easy to face the abuse and damage, but it is the only way to recover. Listen to the podcasts and use the ideas put forth. 

We are no longer victims, we are survivors now. And day by day, as we work on our issues, we heal more and more. 

Love, Wendy x

The Damage from Abuse


After our Abuse

 I believe that we can all heal, in time, from our abuse. This blog is our blog to assist in our recovery. I have a history of abuse so I completely understand the process. 

There will be written blogs and podcasts that I currently have on YouTube. I am hoping our blog space will facilitate much healing and make our lives happier. 

Abuse messes with us and changes our lives totally from the first episode to the last. However, with love, hard work and persistence we can reach a peaceful place and heal. 

Love, Wendy x

  How to recognize an abusive personality In our world, there are all kinds of people and sadly, some of them operate as abusers. Having c...